Let’s take some time to reflect on 2012 – from January to December. What were the major initiatives that impacted the online or blended learning field? Why would you categorize them this way? How did they impact you? Perhaps iNACOL’s Fast Facts orKeeping Pace can provide you some background information. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Updated blended learning definition and models from the Innosight Institute (May)
- Idaho became the fifth state to require an online course for high school graduation in 2011 and then repealed the law in 2012 (November)
- The development and refinement of Massive Online Open Courses – MOOCS (November)
- The further refinement and popularity of the “Flipped Classroom” (April)
- The ongoing debate about how K-12 schools are funded - private, public, for-profit, etc. (August)
- The election and its effect on the future of education (November)
No doubt you can think of others. Please add to the list in the comment section or in your own blogpost.